| 1. | The seeds of rancor sown so swiftly by colonel cathcart took root in the soldiers around him . 卡思卡特上校如此突兀地布下的仇恨种子,在他四周这些兄弟们的心里生下了根。 |
| 2. | Sense of racial superiority must not be allowed to take root 不容种族优越感萌芽生根 |
| 3. | “ it was not long before seeds of descent took root 没过多久,反抗的种子开始生根。 |
| 4. | A good orchid tends to take root on a cliff edge 好的兰花喜欢长在悬崖边 |
| 5. | It was not long before seeds of dissent took root 不久之后,不满的情绪渐渐的积压了起来 |
| 6. | Landscape architecture takes root in china 景观行业在中国风生水起! |
| 7. | The idea has taken root in his mind 这个想法已在他脑子里扎了根。 |
| 8. | The harsh words we heard growing up took root 长大过程中我们听到的刺耳的话语也扎根在我心底。 |
| 9. | Huaxia culture taking root in loess plateau 黄土高原华夏之根 |
| 10. | The seeds took root and grew , and the sunflowers multiplied 这些种子生根并生长,向日葵不断的繁殖。 |